Chapters Three & Four

Chapter Three… 
The second part of this chapter introduces the impact of WWI on design. We will explore the use of art and design as propaganda later in the class. Right now, pay more attention to the Dadist reaction against the war, as we will be tracing the impact it had on the emergence of "ISMS" in art and design in Europe. 

Chapter Four… 
This chapter introduces the reader to Cubism – a new way of looking at and representing images based upon space and time, rather than static representation of objects. Particular attention should be placed on Apollinaire's calligrames, Orphism and the rise of Futurism in art and design as evidenced by the work of Kauffer. Other key concepts are Purism, the rise of the machine aesthetic, and the resulting style of Art Deco as evidenced by the work of Cassandre.

Written statements about Analytical and Synthetic Cubism, and examples of design influenced by each, will replace the Chapter Outline for these readings.